Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dhanishta Nakshatra

Dhanishta "the richest one" 23.20 Capricorn to 6.40 Aquarius

Symbol - drum or a flute       

Deity - The eight Vasus, deities of the earth that give abundance on the material plane      

Stars - Consists of a small group of stars located in the head of Delphinus, the Dolphin. Sadalsuud, is good for intuitive ability, they are visionaries and good for public relations.

Mythology - The eight Vasus are the solar gods of light and energy. They are earth deities that give abundance on the material plane. Vasu means "light" "benefic" indicating a charitable attitude, and high virtues.

Indications - The "Star of Symphony", there is considerable material wealth, ownership of property and real estate with this nakshatra. As to the symbols of musical instruments, some do possess musical ability and love dancing, for they are able to keep a beat. With this notion they are great at timing, this can refer to having a knack for being at the right place at the right time. There seems to be emptiness from within, for the musical instruments, a drum and flute are hollow. They are constantly trying to fill this void, and this may be the cause of their problems in relationships and marital discord. Marriage may be delayed or denied. There is a tendency to live up to the expectations of others. They can be materialistic, and gain fame and recognition. They must be careful not to be too self absorbed, greedy, and narcissistic. They love the excitement of travel.  

Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana "to hear" 10. 00 to 23.20 Capricorn

Symbol - ear, or three footprints in an uneven row   

Deity - Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe           

Stars - In this nakshatra there are three stars in the head of the eagle, these are also the three footprints of Vishnu. Altair, leads to positions of power and wealth but trouble with the law.

Mythology - Vishnu spanned the universe in three steps denoting his expansive travels as well as his expansive travel to the three worlds.    

Indications - This is the star of listening, also called the "Star of Learning". They are always questing for knowledge, and information. They can be very intellectual. Wisdom and the spoken word are very important here. They make great teachers, or perpetual students. Counseling is a gift for they have the ability to truly listen. Their sense of hearing can be very acute and sensitive. They are very traditional and want to uncover knowledge of the past. Listening and participating in gossip are common, even though they are extremely sensitive and hurt as a result. Their restless nature causes them to travel extensively, usually in a pursuit of knowledge. There seems to be trouble and disappointments early in life, and some disabilities. With age they slowly regain their sense of self-confidence. They can walk with a limp or an unusual gate.        

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

Uttara Ashadha "latter victory" or "latter unconquered" 27.40 Sagittarius to 10. 00 Capricorn

Symbol - elephant tusk, or a small cot or planks of a bed     

Deity - Vishvadevas, means all gods or Universal gods        

Stars - Situated on the lower part of the Lyre, Waga (Vega) gives leadership especially political or in government, musical artistic ability

Mythology - The Vishvadevas are the ten sons of god Dharma. Their power is to grant unchallengeable victory. They deal with the laws of time, universal principles, karma, and right action.        

Indications - Called the "Universal Star" they are much like their other half Purva Ashadha but a bit softer, milder and not as intense. They are enduring, invincible, and very patient. They fight for what they believe is right, highly righteous and responsible, with the highest degree of integrity. They practice what they preach. Sincere in everyway, they cannot lie. Commitment to their ideals makes them very humanitarian. They can be driven like a workaholic, extremely persistent when excited, but if they loose interest they become lazy, introspective, and not finish what they started. Thy have deep powers to penetrate or quest for spiritual information. They are leaders, very ambitious which leads them to notoriety. In the latter part of their life they become more successful, and victorious. Marriage can be difficult because they are stubborn, self-centered and loose interest.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra

Purva Ashadha "early victory" or "the undefeated" 13.20 to 26. 40 Sagittarius

Symbol - elephant tusk, fan, or a winnowing basket, used for ridding corn of its husks.

Deity - Apah or water deified as a god         

Stars - In the constellation of the Archer, Kaus Borealis and Kaus Australis form the archer’s bow. Kaus Borealis gives leadership abilities with altruistic, idealistic, qualities and a strong sense of justice.   

Mythology - Apah is the cosmic waters spreading in all directions giving rise to all humanity. It is an invigorating power. Varuna is another ruling deity because of his protection of the seas and giving rain. Water is one of the most powerful forces in nature.      

Indications - Called the "Invincible Star" they are invincible, proud and independent. They have influence and power over others. There is a philosophical and emotional depth. There is a strong need to always better their life or improve their situation, and can be seen as a social climber. They are fearless, aggressive, confrontational, and controlling towards achieving their goals. They want popularity and to spread their name. This nakshatra is associated with declarations of war, and their temperament is a bit angry and sharp. The formal education seems to be disrupted. There is an association with water, and rule any industry or travel pertaining to water, seas, ocean, or overseas travel. They are always successful and their success comes at an early age. Great oratory abilities make them successful at debates. Their fearlessness can lead to restlessness and an obstinate aggressive disposition. Skillful in intuiting others shadows, but somehow blinds them to their own flaws, and sense of self-denials.

Moola Nakshatra

Moola "the root" 0. 00 to 13. 20 Sagittarius

Symbol - bunch of roots tied together, or an elephant goad, (gives the elephant direction).

Deity - Nirriti, the god of dissolution and destruction          

Stars - This nakshatra is located in the tail of the Scorpion near Ophiuchus. Lesath, gives good judgment, interest in spiritual nature, brings people before the public. This is the center of the Galaxy or the galactic center.     

Mythology - Nirriti means "calamity", and is the goddess of destruction who lives in the kingdom of the dead. Nirriti has the power to ruin, destroy and break things apart. It is sometimes called Alakshmi or denial of Lakshmi (prosperity). She is depicted as Kali the fierce goddess who wears a necklace of skulls and human heads dangle from her belt. Her wild dance destroys illusions; she helps us see reality, the disgusting and beautiful.  

Indications - Called the "Root Star" they have a passionate nature that wants to get to the bottom of things. They are good at investigation, and research. They feel bound and trapped by the circumstances of their life, and can get caught up in blaming others or their environment. There can be extreme reversals in their lives with great losses. There seems to be cruelty, pain, and sharpness. Material fortunes seem to be stripped away, the lesson of non-attachment leads to spiritual realization. Resentment and betrayal are common. The deep sense of loss forces them to look deeper and seek a higher power, transforming their experiences into enlightenment. Excesses lead to compulsive behavior. There may be an interest in healing with herbs or alternative medicine.     

Friday, April 18, 2014

Jyeshtha Nakshatra

Jyeshtha "the eldest" 16.40 to 30.00 Scorpio
Symbol - circular amulet, umbrella, earring
Deity - Indri, chef of the gods
Stars - Antares is the heart of the Scorpion. Antares means, "rival of Mars". This is a military, political star, gives a drive for power, honors with possible sudden loss.
Mythology - Jyeshta was the oldest of the 27 sisters and felt betrayed and jealous of the fact that Soma their husband favored her younger sister Rohini.
Indications - There is a sense of betrayal and abandonment indicated by the myth. They have a sense of seniority and superiority due to age and experience. They are very protective of themselves and loved ones. They possess hidden occult powers. They are the wise ones who have the wisdom that only age and experience can give. As the patriarch or matriarch of the family they are the ones who will run the show. They know how to deal with wealth and power. Their lives are not easy and some may experience hardship and poverty. They are reclusive, secretive with few friends. Their inventive profound minds provoke them to seek the deeper meaning on life. At times they can be arrogant and hypocritical, because of their low self-esteem.

Anuradha Nakshatra

Anurada "the disciple of the divine spark" 3.20 to 16.40 Scorpio
Symbol - triumphal archway, or a lotus
Deity - Mitra as one of the Adityas is responsible for friendship and partnership.
Stars - There are three stars in the body of the Scorpion. Isidis is situated in the right claw of the Scorpion. It gives a mystical interest, especially in astrology, immortality and shamelessness.
Mythology - Mitra is the god of friendship and promotes cooperation in humanity. Any contracts or agreements are Mitra’s duty to protect. Mitra gives compassion devotion and love. Rada (the cowherd maiden) who is the friend and lover of Krishna is his devoted companion, always following him.
Indications - This nakshatra promotes balance in a relationship. They are focused in their goals, but are able to maintain and balance friendships. Their friendly cooperation with others can bring them fame and recognition. They have superb leadership and organizational skills especially with large groups of people, like in organizations. Sensual and loving they know how to share and accommodate others; their gift is dealing with people. Also they have an ability to work with numbers. Traditionally they have difficult relationships with their mothers. Faithful and dedicated to the ones they love, they do have a melancholy side. There can be a jealous streak with a controlling angry side. They have been known to live far from their place of birth. There are many opportunities for travel, for they love variety.

Vishakha Nakshatra

Vishaka "the forked shaped" 20.00 Libra to 3.20 Scorpio
Symbol - Triumphal arch, potter’s wheel
Deity - Indagni, a pair of deities Indra is the chef of the gods, and Agni is fire deified.
Stars - The four stars forming the scales in the constellation of Libra. Zuben el Genubi gives the ability to concentrate on goals, and overcome obstacles. It is social, clever, but unforgiving and revengeful.
Mythology - Indra the king of the gods, combined with Agni fire provides the energy, strength and powerful potential in this nakshatra.
Indications - This is the "Star of Purpose". They are very goal oriented, and don’t give up until they achieve success. Ambition, and concentrated power will conquer any obstacles or rivals. They are extremely competitive. With their hash opinions they may force their will and ideas on others. The end result or their bottom line may involve stepping on or either using others to get what they want. They need to be careful not to win the battle, but loose the war, by pushing their agendas too hard. If you have what they want, it will be hard for them to hide their feelings of envy and jealousy. They can become frustrated and angry when they don’t get what they want. They are always hopeful of success and their determination will persevere. They are patient, persistent and determined. They experience success in the second half of their life. As the warrior spirit they will get what they want, their best solution is to be the spiritual warrior.

Swati Nakshatra

Swati "the sword" or "independence" 6.40 to 20.00 Libra
Symbol - young sprout swaying in the wind, coral
Deity - Vayu, the wind god
Stars- Acturus situated in the left knee of Bootes, denotes riches, renown, prosperity, success in the fine arts, and self-determination.
Mythology - Vayu is the purifier that represents the pranayama (breath) that sustains all life. The goddess, Saraswati is associated with this nakshatra. She is the goddess of learning, education, and the arts.
Indications - They excel in the fields of music, literature and art. Financial and business successes are part of their gifts. They are blessed with the art of communication, revealing their knowledge and interest. Their ability to ride with the wind makes them extremely flexible. They are curious and eager to learn. Some are very psychic and intuitive. They are vulnerable, striving for independence, but are always survivors. Swati also translates as "the priest" and are learned in theology. Sometimes they can be high strung, and shallow. Because of their Vata nature must be careful of their diet causing too much wind.